Words that spell themselves front to back & back to front
and some words that spell themself front to back but spell
a different word back to front..
Not palindromes exactly maybe but to fill out the puzzle they are used.
HINT: P) means answer word is a palindrome
     No P) means word is not exactly a palindrome.
Clue to both words given if possible. First clue is puzzle answer.

See Playing Instructions At Bottom Of Puzzle.

  1 P) Rotating motor part
  3 National jeweler, Female name
  9 P) Tyke, Potato food: tater...
10 P) Hookers house mother
12 With this ring I thee..., God test
13 P) Deborah Kerr role, Female name
14 Ancient story &/or poem writer
17 To ensnare, Acting role
18 Short for gasoline, Unkempt hang
20 Bowling term No ..., Female name
21 P) Multiple songs sung alone
23 P) Belief or principal held as true
24 P) Female lamb
25 Cookware covers, 'X' marks the...
27 P) Mate God gave Adam
28 P) Olde english for before
30 Transgressed, Male name
32 Sheet direction finders, Unwanted emails
33 P) Statistics, 'short form'
34 Slang for heist money

Playing Instructions:
The current word you are working on is highlighted in yellow,
and the current letter is highlighted in cyan.
Click on any letter to move to that word.
The spacebar switches between across and down,
pivoting around the current letter.
Backspace erases the current letter.
Incorrect letters are drawn in red.

Puzzle Courtesy of:

originally downloaded from: The java Boutique


  1 P) Dish device to detect movment
  2 P) Slang for a single breast
  4 Smaller sweet potato, Month of the year
  6 P) Slang for mother
  7 P) Nascar drivers each have one
  8 Jesus was born among this in a stable
11 P) Slang for father
14 MLB players swing 'em, Stick with knife
15 A rapper does this, Boxer's practice
16 P) Male name, hint - first letter 'O'
19 P) God ---- and knows everything
22 P) Male and female
25 A number, Play tennis over it
26 Celebrity, Multiple mice
27 Change before final, The sea: low or high
29 To discharge, Clocks keep this
30 Cut wood mill, 'It --- a dark & stormy..'
31 Opposite of am, Heavy weight



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