To God For Us

Return unto us O Lord A Savior.
A just man and a kind man
who understood, who suffered, for us.
Maybe that we could let Him be Him
through us, Thy Will.

Our way we have lost
but our blame we still have
and well able we are
and do place it on others.
Saved on sinners, Sinners on saved
yet all have come short
and embrace one another
in expedience of compromise

In that a Savior is lost to us,
maybe removed.
Father, no we can do
no surviving,
no serving,
no loving,
no obeying,
without Him, which is You.

A Savior again we need
and ask Him again of You, Our Friend,
our path to You
and fellowship in Your Rule,
Your Dominion.
Over us, not under us.

May it be so we pray Father
that You'll return with Son
for the evidence of failure
without you mounts.
We shall be overcome.
We shall be consumed without You.

Both saint and sinner.

Love In Him,

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